Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I have to admit, I'm having a hard time keeping up on the cleaning. It's wonderful to have the extra space...but cleaning it all is tough. We are truly blessed with the space. We have a cute back yard that we are working on. And we even added a dog to the family. Her name is Clara. She is the cutest dog. Clara is part lab and I think part Border Collie. She is great for our family. Even the cat is warming up to her.
Its really wonderful to look around a see how much we have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
Until Next Time
Monday, September 29, 2008
Jareb and I signed the papers and are packing boxes. We are staying in the Elk Grove area. There is a duplex that is just perfect for our little family! Although I'm really sad to say Good Bye to our little house and our amazing neighbors...its time. God is good. He had made this work out perfectly. Now if I can just get my booty in gear and pack pack pack.
I'll be getting in touch with all of you to let you know of our new address! Yay for us!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I have been back to work now for over a month. At first I really struggled. Is it a new school, new teacher, and a new student. His name is Ian and he is in first grade. It has been really hard adjusting to his personality, but even harder adjusting to the teacher's personality. She is really nice, but can be abrasive at times. If you know me, you know that I don't do well with blunt people. But I can honestly say it has been getting better. So I look forward to a interesting and challenging year. I'm ready!
Jareb has taken on the roll of Head Coach of Joshua's soccer team. He is so good. It amazes me how he is willing to go way out of his comfort zone to support and spend time with his son. Joshua love it. Jareb is definitly learning a thing or two about soccer!!
As far as life goes over all...things are good. We are in a place were God is doing A LOT! He has had us trust him in so many ways. But no matter what he has always provided. I'm so fortunate that I saw the light and turned towards him when I needed to. I can't even fathom what my life might be if I had continued down the worldly path I was on. I am truly humbled!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Back at Home
Amanda Doerksen will soon be Amanda Burton! I'm so excited to have another friend get married! It was so good to catch up with her and Erin and enjoy her Bridal Shower. I'm so happy for her.
Then I got to spend some time with a old friend from church. Denise and I have known each other forever. She is awesome and I can't believe she is going to be having her first baby, Hannah. Denise seems so happy and little one should arrive in the next 2 weeks!!
Rachel will be turning 20! I can't believe it, its so crazy to think that my sister will be the same age I was when I got married. I'm extremely proud of her and everything she has done!
It was a great weekend. I miss Hughson and my family. It was good to spend time with my parents too. At one point my dad turned to me and said "its good to have you home, kid" Lol...love him.
However, it was equally good to come back to Jareb and sleep in my own bed. I am so fortunate to have an amazing group of people in my life!
Until Next Time!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
We were so tired...us on the plane in Pheniox
We arrived in Dever that night, hurried to the hotel, and slept for 3 1/2 hours. It was a crazy night.
The next morning Jareb, my parents, Rachel, my cousins, aunt, uncle, grandparents, and I watched Justin in a parade put on by the Acadimey. It was amazing, breathtaking, and very cold. I was so in awe at how symbolic everything was.
He's the one in the white pants.
The beautiful seinery.
I'm so proud of him!!The Chapel...it was amazing
So beautiful.
With the Graduate.
We are so cute...he's such a stud.
After seeing Justin graduate (more pics to come...it was raining all through the graduation), we took a extra day and spent it going to Dever. We drove up to the top of Pikes Peak. It was so high that we felt light headed after about 10 minutes, due to the lack of oxygen. However, it was worth it. It was so beautiful. It literally takes your breath away.
We then all climbed in the van and checked out a really awesome museam of nature and science. It was really interesting.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
1. I think these gas prices are stupid. Absolutely stupid...how are we suppose to live?
2. I have discovered that I don't like chickens...I mean the live ones. We have one here and it is so grumpy. Oh and it poops everywhere.
3. Dealing with car issues is not fun. Within 2 weeks we found out that the heater, AC, and brakes needed to be fixed on the Saturn. It sucks.
4. Those people that work at the gym need to be nice and not so grumpy.
5. Allergies...enough said.
Well I feel much better. Haha.
I hope everyone is doing well. I have been so busy but its a good busy.
Until next time!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Turtle Stew!
My parents recently took a day trip to San Francisco. While they were there they spotted this turtle made out of bread. If you know me then you know that I love turtles. I don't really know why, it started when I was little. Well, I didn't want to eat him right away. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. However, I didn't want him to go bad or get rock hard either. So a couple days later I gave in and made some stew. I have to admit it was so good.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Joshua has decided to participate in the local wrestling team for his age group. This is going to be a whole new avenue for me. I don't know anything about wrestling, however, Jareb is so excited. He's actually going to be able to help coach! Oh and I'm so excited... I got an great e-mail from Joshua's teacher today. He has been struggling in a certain area lately. We have tried talking to him, encouraging him, and even taking away privileges. We were really stuck trying to figure out what to do. Finally I had a conversation with his teacher and together we came up with a solution. Today she said that he had a wonderful week, last week, and that the problem seems to of been remedied!!! Not only am I happy that we found a solution... I'm so proud of Joshua that he has chosen to do the right thing!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Being a stepmom
The word stepmom is so ugly. I actually don't care for it all that much. I always thought step parents were the enemy. They come and make rules and try to boss the children around and take away from the relationship that the children have with the bio parent. But I can say that is not the case. I see my self as a bonus parent. Joshua has an extra parent to love him, to watch out for him, and to help him grow.
What I love best about being a stepmom is having a special bond with him. I am called Sarah, but he treats me just like I was his mom. Joshua kisses, hugs and loves to tickle me. We joke and play. We even have serious talks. Recently I have taken more of a role in disiplining. Wow, it is truely the hardest thing to do. But in the end there is a respect there that cannot be broken.
At times I am scared to death about being a parent, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Prayers Answered!!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
1. I make the bed BEFORE I get into it.
Most of the time I don't make the bed, because Jareb is usually climbing into bed as I am getting up. But I can't stand it when the sheets are all messed up. They have to be tucked in and smooth.
2. I hate spiders.
I absolutely hate spiders. The way they crawl and look. yuck!
3. I love reality shows.
Whether it is cops, biggest loser, american idol, or hells kitchen. Love them.
4. Ice Cream is amazing.
I love ice cream. Whatever flavor, its God's gift to us.
5. I can't sleep with my socks on.
Jareb teases me about it. My socks always have to come off when I'm in bed. I may start with them on, but before the night is over they are always on the floor.
6. I consider cereal to be a legitimate meal.
If I could have either cereal or ice cream for every meal I would be in heaven. My favorite cereal...well its a tie, either Lucky Charms or Honey Bunches of Oats.
7. The windows cannot be open with the air on in the car.
It drives me nuts when the AC is on and the windows are down. Your just letting the cool air out. Oh and I cannot stand it when someone leaves on their blinker after they have turned. Aaagh it drives me crazy.
8. I hate the smell of wet asphalt.
Right after it rains the blacktop has that smell to it. I hate it, I'm not sure what it is about it but I really don't like it.
9. I am a horrible speller.
Spelling is not my strong suit. Often times I will write a word 3 times 3 different ways until I find the way I think might be correct. I use the spellcheck all the time.
10. I get really excited about everything.
Exciting things really don't happen to me, but when they happen to someone else I get so excited. A friend of mine recently told us that she is pregnant. I got so excited, jumping up and down, screaming, and waving my arms...you would think I was the one who was expecting. There is a joy knowing that you can be truly excited for someone. Everyone likes to know that they have someone to share their joy with.
Monday, January 7, 2008
So in the end I make the Commitment to Grow Spiritually. To grow because I know things can only get better in Him.