Saturday, August 30, 2008


Rachel is off to Ireland! Its so excited to think about my little sister going to another country to study. I will miss her, but it will cool to communicate through web cams.

I have been back to work now for over a month. At first I really struggled. Is it a new school, new teacher, and a new student. His name is Ian and he is in first grade. It has been really hard adjusting to his personality, but even harder adjusting to the teacher's personality. She is really nice, but can be abrasive at times. If you know me, you know that I don't do well with blunt people. But I can honestly say it has been getting better. So I look forward to a interesting and challenging year. I'm ready!

Jareb has taken on the roll of Head Coach of Joshua's soccer team. He is so good. It amazes me how he is willing to go way out of his comfort zone to support and spend time with his son. Joshua love it. Jareb is definitly learning a thing or two about soccer!!

As far as life goes over all...things are good. We are in a place were God is doing A LOT! He has had us trust him in so many ways. But no matter what he has always provided. I'm so fortunate that I saw the light and turned towards him when I needed to. I can't even fathom what my life might be if I had continued down the worldly path I was on. I am truly humbled!