Monday, July 14, 2008

Back at Home

I had a great weekend! I was able to spend some time with friends that I haven't seen in a long time, celebrate Rach's birthday a bit early, and spend some well needed time with family.

Amanda Doerksen will soon be Amanda Burton! I'm so excited to have another friend get married! It was so good to catch up with her and Erin and enjoy her Bridal Shower. I'm so happy for her.

Then I got to spend some time with a old friend from church. Denise and I have known each other forever. She is awesome and I can't believe she is going to be having her first baby, Hannah. Denise seems so happy and little one should arrive in the next 2 weeks!!

Rachel will be turning 20! I can't believe it, its so crazy to think that my sister will be the same age I was when I got married. I'm extremely proud of her and everything she has done!

It was a great weekend. I miss Hughson and my family. It was good to spend time with my parents too. At one point my dad turned to me and said "its good to have you home, kid" him.

However, it was equally good to come back to Jareb and sleep in my own bed. I am so fortunate to have an amazing group of people in my life!

Until Next Time!