Monday, January 7, 2008


We have been attending this new church recently and so far so good. It is very different then the previous churches I have attended but I really like it. This past week the Pastor spoke on making the commitment to grow spiritually. He talked about how we need to take the primary role in our spiritual walk. We need to go to God, to lean on him and crave him. It really hit me. How often are we pounded with crap and we think that God is not answering our prayers or perhaps he is not letting up. It seems like this last 6 months have been the hardest of my life. Both Jareb and I feel like we are at our max. When we think we can't take anything else...something happens. Its kinda like Job in the Bible. He was tested and tested. He lost everything...and I mean everything. Satan tempted him and destroyed everything Job had. All because God knew that Job would still honor him in the end. Job stood firm in God. Perhaps that's the mindset that I should have. I'm tired of looking at everything and seeing what I don't have. I need to have faith and believe that God is going to see that I am willing to go through hell and still proclaim his name. God is testing me. He knows that I won't walk away ever again. He knows that I will praise him in any storm even if it feels way to big. I take comfort in knowing that his ways aren't my ways. I know that he has greater plans then I could ever dream of. I am way to small to take on the big stuff. I have to leave it up to God. Whether its a new job, car issues, or maybe bills. I need to believe that God is in control and he will handle it. Its just letting go that scares me the most. But isn't that what having faith is all about?

So in the end I make the Commitment to Grow Spiritually. To grow because I know things can only get better in Him.