Friday, February 1, 2013

It has been a few years since I posted on this darn blog but I feel like I could really use a place to get out my thoughts. Being a SAHM (Stay at home mom) can be somewhat lonely. I'm extremely grateful to my hard working husband that works long hours so that I can be the one with our kids but there are days that I find myself missing having that routine adult interaction. So I thought what better place to get out some of my thoughts and maybe some of my frustrations then on the internet...right?

Right now my goal is to write on my blog about twice a week. I'm not much of a writer but who knows where this could go!

Today's topic:  Cues

I have read lots of books on parenting. There are countless books out there that can give you advice on how to handle certain situations with your child. However, I have found the best way to understand your child is to pick up on their cues. Sleeping is a mystery to any new parent. Trying to understand how to get your child to sleep through the night or how to get your child to take better, longer naps. Cues. Pick up on their cues. Josiah becomes so cranky. He will start crying over anything. That is how I know he needs to take a nap. However, at bedtime, he gets extremely hyper. Josiah is only 2 but I have watched him and watch him. I have picked up on his cues. I want to know when is he ready so that I can time it just right.

Same thing goes for Aubrey, my one year old. When she is tired she rubs her eyes (very common in babies), she also will get clumsy. Someone once told me that as parents we need to become students of our children. I believe this to be very true.

There are so many great resources out there to help parents better understand their children. I love I have many books that I can take pieces from and use them to help me be a more effective parent. All that said...I truly believe we need to be students of our children. Figure out what makes then who they are.