Thursday, July 16, 2009

Back to work!!!

These last 3 weeks I have had a great vacation. Technically, I have been on vacation for 6 weeks but was working at Summer School part-time for 3 of those weeks. I have thoroughly enjoyed having this time off. I have been able to get so much done. This week I painted our bedroom. It is now a beautiful tan color. Along with painting I have also tried to make sense of our yard. It's apparent that the last tenets didn't take pride in the yard. So we are weekly trying to make it look like it should.

I think the greatest thing about the last couple of weeks has been the amount of time I have been able to spend with Joshua. Jareb is currently working a 9-5 job 5 days a week. This means Joshua and I have spent a great deal of time together. I can truly say I'm so blessed to have him in my life. He is such a joy to be around. God has really helped our relationship grow farther then I ever thought possible.

As I start another year of working at a school, I have to admit I'm nervous. I love what I do. I may not make much but what I get out of it is greater then a big paycheck. I'm going to be working with the same student...but a new teacher. I have come to love the teacher that I worked with last year. Hopefully this new teacher will have the same respect and support for me as I plan to have for her.

Until next time!
